Welfare Economics

European PhD in Socio-Economic and Statistical Studies


(16 hours)


Defining social welfare criteria

The Pareto principle

The two fundamental theorems of Welfare Economics

Social welfare functions

Applying social welfare criteria: the distributional analysis

Defining and measuring inequality

Inequality and welfare comparisons

Defining and measuring poverty

Poverty and and welfare comparisons

The evaluation of distributional dynamics

Defining and measuring inequality of opportunity (taught by Dr Domenico Moramarco, Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Suggested Readings (The final list will be available at the end of the course)

For the first part

Intermediate Public Economics. Jean Hindriks and Gareth D. Myles, The Mit Press, 2nd edition (2013).

For the second part

Atkinson, A.B.B., Bourguignon, F. (2014). Handbook of income distribution (Vol. 1&2). Elsevier.

Ferreira, F.H.G. (2010). Distributions in motion: economic growth, inequality, and poverty dynamics. The World Bank.

Lambert, P.J. (2001). The distribution and redistribution of income, Manchester University Press.

Ravallion, M. (2016). The economics of poverty, Oxford University Press.

Roemer, J. E., & Trannoy, A. (2016). Equality of opportunity: Theory and measurement. Journal of Economic Literature, 54(4), 1288-1332.

Class schedule
February 15,
2022: 12.00-14:00, Room 1D -- For the link to the live straming click here
February 1
6, 2022: 11.00-13:00, Room 1D -- For the link to the live straming click here
February 17, 2022: 11.00-13:00, Room 1D -- For the link to the live straming click here
February 22, 2022: 12.00-14:00, Room CIMEO Lab -- For the link to the live straming click here
23, 2022: 11.00-13:00, Room CIMEO Lab -- For the link to the live straming click here
February 24, 2022: 13.00-15:00, Room Aula Fanfani -- For the link to the live straming click here
1, 2022: 12.00-14:00, Room 2C -- For the link to the live straming click here
2, 2022: 11.00-13:00, Room 1D -- For the link to the live straming click here