
Refereed Journal Articles 

Trust in public institutions, inequality, and digital interaction: empirical evidence from European Union countries (with Agnese Sacchi). Journal of Macroeconomics, 79, 103582, 2024.

Compassion and envy in distributional comparisons. Theory and Decision, 96, 153-184, 2024

Detecting the socio-economic drivers of confidence in government with explainable artificial intelligence (with Nicola Amoroso, Loredana Bellantuono, Roberto Bellotti, Alfonso Monaco, Vito Peragine). Scientific Reports, 13(1), 2023.

Income taxation and equity: new dominance criteria with a microsimulation application (with Paolo Brunori and Vito Peragine), Journal of Economic Inequality, 20, 509-536, 2022.

A general rank-dependent approach for distributional comparisons (with Ida Petrillo), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 24(2), 380-409, 2022.

Informal we stand? The role of social progress around the world (with Tiziana Medda and Agnese Sacchi), International Review of Economics and Finance, 78(2), 660-675, 2022. 

Inequality of opportunity in tertiary education in Europe (with Federico Biagi and Vito Peragine), Research in Higher Education, 63, 514-565, 2022.    

Growth, mobility and social progress (with Dirk Van de gaer). Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(1), 164-182, 2021.  

The individual poverty incidence of growth (with Maria C. Lo Bue). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 82(6), 1295-1321, 2020. 

Inequality of opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Paolo Brunori and Vito Peragine). Applied Economics, 51(60), 6428-6458, 2019.

Dynamics of individual rank volatility: evidence form West Germany and the US (with Louis Chauvel and Anne Hartung). The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 19(2), 1-22, 2019.   

Intertemporal pro-poorness (with Florent Bresson and Jean-Yves Duclos). Social Choice and Welfare, 52(1), 65-96, 2019. 

Consumption dynamics and inequality of opportunity with an application to Uganda (with Paolo Brunori and Vito Peragine). Review of Development Economics, 22(2), 632-657, 2018.

Evaluating patterns of income growth when status matters: a robust approach. Review of Income and Wealth, 64(1), 147-169, 2018.

History-dependent growth incidence: a characterization and an application to the economic crisis in Italy (with Dirk Van de gaer). Oxford Economic Papers, 68(2), 585-603, 2016.

The distributional incidence of growth: a social welfare approach (with Vito Peragine). Review of Income and Wealth, 61(3), 440-464, 2015.

Economic growth and equality of opportunity (with Vito Peragine and Paolo Brunori). World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 247-281, 2014.

Mobility and long term equality of opportunity. Research on Economic Inequality, 19, 51-75, 2011.

Book Chapters  

"Does Greater Subjective Well-Being Lead to Improved Food and Nutrition Security or vice versa?": A path analysis and multinomial logit regression from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (with Isnawati Hidayah and J.C. Kiefte-de Jong), Challenges and Opportunities for Enhancing Nutritional Security in Asia and the Pacific, Asia Development Bank Institute (forthcoming). 

Development, inclusive growth, redistribution and public policy (with Vincenzo Prete). In G. Anderson, S. Bandyopadhyay (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Income Distribution and Economic Growth, Oxford University Press, chapter 30 (forthcoming).  

Inequality of opportunity, poverty, and economic development (with Domenico Moramarco and Vito Peragine). In M.N. Asadullah, K. Zimmermann (eds.) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, chapter 11, ISBN: 978-3-319-57365-6, 2023. 

Inequality of opportunity: theoretical considerations and recent empirical evidence (with Vito Peragine). In D. Chotikapanich, A. Rambaldi, N. Rohde (eds.) Advances in Economic Measurement, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, chapter 8, ISBN 978-981-19-2022-6, 2022. 

Italy: an ageing country with low level of private pension schemes but high homeownership rate (with Pierluigi Murro). In M. Eckardt et al. (eds.), Old-Age Provision and Homeownership – Fiscal Incentives and Other Public Policy Options, Springer International Publishing AG, 145–178, ISBN 978-3-319-75210-5, 2018.

La distribuzione personale del reddito e la tassazione progressiva (with Vito Peragine and Paolo Brunori). In Uricchio A., Peragine V., Aulenta M. (Eds.) Manuale di Scienza delle Finanze, Diritto Finanziario e Contabilità Pubblica, Nel Diritto Editore, ch. 5, 2018. 

Pensions and housing wealth: Quantitative data on market conditions for equity release schemes in the EU (with Peter Hennecke, Pierluigi Murro, and Doris Neuberger), in P. Murro (ed.) Il ruolo del prestito vitalizio ipotecario nell'ambito della previdenza integrativa, Cacucci Editore, chapter 3, 2017. 

Dinamiche distributive in un periodo di crisi (with Francesca Marino). In Peragine V. (Ed.) Povertà e Politiche di Inclusione Sociale. Differenze e Confronti Territoriali, Carocci Editore, ch. 1, 2014.

Povertà economica in Puglia e in Italia: entità e caratteristiche (with Francesca Marino). In Peragine V. (Ed.) Povertà e Politiche di Inclusione Sociale. Differenze e Confronti Territoriali, Carocci Editore, ch. 2, 2014.

Povertà e politiche di inclusione sociale. Tra vincoli di bilancio, equità e politiche di crescita (with Vito Peragine and Paolo Brunori). In Aulenta M. and Uricchio A. (Eds.) Dalla Finanza Pubblica Europea al Governo degli Enti Territoriali, CEDAM editore, 2014.

La povertà in Puglia e in Italia (with Vito Peragine and Laura Serlenga). in Peragine V. (Ed.) Famiglie e nuove povertà. Politiche regionali sulla non autosufficienza, Carocci editore, ch. 1, 20-61, 2012.

A critical assessment of the governance structure of the transport sector in albania (and in the other Balkans Countries) (with Angela S. Bergantino and Annalisa Vinella). In Capolupo R., Cani S., Ferri G. (Eds.) Towards European Integration: Cooperation and Development Across the Adriatic Basin, Radio, Bari, pp 247-271, 2009.

Books and Monographs

The evolution of inequality of opportunity in Europe (with Stefano Filauro and Vito Peragine). European Commission, ISBN: 978-92-68-09587-4, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023.

Gender equality and poverty are intrinsically linked (with Rense Nieuwenhuis, Teresa Munzi, Jörg Neugschwender, Heba Omar). UN Women, New York, ISBN: 978-1-63214-144-6, 2018.

L'uomo e la natura: sostenibilità sociale e ambientale (with Giovanni Ferri, Angioletta Mariani, and Vito Peragine), Edizioni Studium, Roma, 2016.

Working Papers 

Economic crimes and trust toward political institutions: evidence form online frauds and related policy interventions in Italy, available at SSRN:, 2024. 

Food security and nutrition status across two generations in Indonesia (with Isnawati Hidayah and Jessica C. Kiefte-de Jong), Sapienza University of Rome, mimeo, 2024. 

The Role of Parental Child Marriage in Children's Food Security and Nutritional Status: Evidence from Longitudinal Data in Indonesia (with Isnawati Hidayah, Asep Suryahadi, and Jessica C. Kiefte-de Jong), Sapienza University of Rome, mimeo, 2024. 

Distributional and normative criteria for evaluating economic growth (with Vincenzo Prete), Sapienza Universtity of Rome, mimeo, 2024. 

Inequality of opportunity in the European labour markets: sequential evidence from a national and a pan-EU perspective (with Stefano Filauro and Vito Peragine), Working Paper in Public Economics 247, Universtity of Rome La Sapienza, Department of Economics and Law, 2024. 

Trust in institutions and the profile of inequality: a worldwide perspective (with Domenico Moramarco). WIDER Working Paper 2023/12, ISSN 1798-7237, ISBN 978-92-9267-320-8, 2023

Exploring heterogeneities in health dynamics with pan-European evidence. Available at SSRN: or, 2023.

Dynastic measures of intergenerational mobility with empirical evidence from Indonesia (with Olivier Bargain and Maria C. Lo Bue). WIDER Working Paper 2021/70, ISSN 1798-7237, ISBN 978-92-9267-008-5, 2021. 

Intertemporal inequality of opportunity (with Domenico Moramarco and Vito Peragine). Working Papers ECARES 2020-26, ULB, 2020.   

Growth pro-poorness from an intertemporal perspective with an application to Indonesia, 1997-2007 (with Jean-Yves Duclos and Florent Bresson). ADBI Working Paper Series No. 773, 2017. 

Inequality of opportunity during the great recession in Uganda (with Paolo Brunori and Vito Peragine). WIDER working paper 2015/039, ISSN: 1798-7237 ISBN 978-92-9230-924-4, 2015.   

Inequality of opportunity for educational achievement in Arab Region: evidence from PISA 2006-2009-2012 (with Vito Intini, Raffaele Lagravinese, Vito Peragine). UN-ESCWA Working Paper E/ESCWA/EDID/2015/WP.7, 2015. 


Modalità d'esame e dimensione del corpo docente: due minacce alla reputazione delle università telematiche. Menabò di Etica ed Economia, 213/2024. 

Con più interazione digitale torna la fiducia nelle istituzioni., January 2024. 

Sfiducia nei governi e disuguaglianze economiche: l'antidoto dell'interazione digitale. Menabò di Etica ed Economia, 206/2024


Prospettive dell'istruzione superiore in Italia: università telematiche e tradizionali a confronto. Menabò di Etica ed Economia, 204/2023.  

Sale in cattedra l'Università telematica., Jualy 2023. 

Le disuguaglianze di opportunità tra i cittadini europei (with Stefano Filauro, Vito Peragine). Menabò di Etica ed Economia, 197/2023. 

Dinamiche distributive e differenze territoriali (with Vito Peragine). Menabò di Etica ed Economia, April 2018. 

What is the effect of growth on the distribution of opportunities? (with Vito Peragine and Paolo Brunori). Research Digest, World Bank, 8(2), 2014. 

Two approaches for answering the question ‘What is the effect of growth on the distribution of opportunities?’ (with Vito Peragine and Paolo Brunori). Let's talk development, World Bank Blog, 2013.